🚨 STRAP-A-THON: Give Cancer the STRAP! 🚨

We’re thrilled to announce that STRAPPED has teamed up with Grand River Hospital to raise $8K for a much-needed cancer chair at the GRH Cancer Center!


This event is in honour of one of our "OG" students, Margaret, who has been bravely battling cancer since last fall.  Our "OG" students are the pioneers of Strapped—those who believed in our vision from the start and have been with us on this journey since the very beginning. Since Margaret has been with us every step of our journey, we want to give back to the center that’s been there for Margaret every step of the way.


  • 5 back-to-back classes, 30 mins each with short breaks in between
  • Compete solo or form a team of up to 3!
  • Pick a captain, sign up, and get ready to strap in!