Image of $1M Anonymous Gift to Hospital’s Greatest Needs

$1M Anonymous Gift to Hospital’s Greatest Needs

  • April 07, 2021
  • |
  • uzma motala

One long-time Kitchener-Waterloo business leader has always had a unique appreciation for what a wonderful home Kitchener-Waterloo has been for him for the last 70 years, and he felt compelled to do something special for the cities that had been so good to him and to his family.

He recently did just that, donating an incredible one million dollars to support the highest priority needs at Grand River Hospital (KW and Freeport sites) and St. Mary’s General Hospital.

The 90-year old donor who wishes to remain anonymous, recalls, “after the second world war, the turmoil in Europe didn't provide a promising life. Like thousands of other refugees we decided to look for a better future, and found it in Canada. We arrived in the Quebec City harbour in 1954, and settled in Kitchener-Waterloo, which we still call home today.” 

At the time of their arrival, Waterloo had about 35,000 residents, and Kitchener about 55,000, he remembers.

He and his wife purchased a property just inside the Waterloo city limits where he still lives today. They raised their family, and started a manufacturing business which blossomed amidst the growing community. 

Many years ago, the couple had made arrangements to leave a gift in their wills to support the local hospitals that they felt had played such an important role in their lives, and in the growth of the community. 

“I still live here,” he said, “and know that the hospitals have significant needs to adequately support the needs of our growing community.”

While the donor wishes for his generous donation to remain anonymous, he hopes his gift will inspire others to create similar legacies when there is still time to see the impact of their giving.

The $1 million gift will support the highest priority needs at Grand River Hospital (KW and Freeport sites) and St. Mary’s General Hospital.