A Dedicated Team Shapes the Future of Cancer Care One Run/Walk at a Time
Earlier this month, we celebrated the 7th Annual Run/Walk for Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. This year, Rich Peers and his team raised an incredible $12,560, bringing their cumulative grand total to $60,150 for local cancer care!
“I can’t think of a better place to fundraise for, and I know we all have a connection [to the Cancer Centre] and a commitment to see this hospital do well,” Rich said of his team and why they come together each fall to fundraise with this annual event.
“It’s a real honour and a privilege to be able to contribute to [Grand River Regional Cancer Centre] while we can,” said Merlin, one of Rich’s teammates. “I’m grateful to have such a world class facility so close to home and available not if we need it but when we need it.”
On October 22nd, the team held their seventh fundraiser for the Cancer Centre at Huron Natural Area from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. — the first time they’ve been able to come together for the event in person since 2019.
“The last two years we’ve been kind of spread out doing this on our own,” said Rich, “and to have a chance to be able to do it this year together was awesome.”
Thank you so much to Rich Peers and the entire Run/Walk for Grand River Regional Cancer Centre Team for their dedication to supporting world class cancer care right here in Waterloo-Wellington!