Who would ever have thought we’d find ourselves here. Standing two metres apart so we can take on what is undoubtedly the biggest challenge of our time.
about the many ways in which you and others in our community are “raising the barn,” overcoming obstacles and pulling up our sleeves. You’ll hear some inside stories about the hospital’s challenges and how our donors are helping to overcome them. You’ll find links to videos, photos and messages that are keeping our health care workers motivated and strong. And you’ll learn about new ventures that we hope will inspire your continuing support.
To make this a conversation I’m also hoping you’ll connect with me directly – either by posting a comment here, by emailing me at pmr@grhf.ca or texting me at 519-504-4535. I promise to get back to you as fast as I can.
Finally – and most importantly – I want to Thank You. Words will never be enough to express what it means to all of us at Grand River Hospital to have your support.