Image of #GetReal About How to Help: Empathy, Connection and Mental Health Week

#GetReal About How to Help: Empathy, Connection and Mental Health Week

  • May 02, 2022
  • |
  • Rebecca Lenio

When someone opens up and shares that they’re struggling with their mental health, often times our first impulse is to try to fix it. Offering practical help is one way you can support someone... But when we try to solve things, we might be missing what they really need: to know they’re not alone.

Check out this great animated short by RSA and Dr. Brené Brown on the power of empathy and why it is very different from sympathy.

Empathy includes recognizing others’ perspective as truth, being non-judgmental, understanding another’s feelings and being able to communicate that back to them.1 This Mental Health Week is all about empathy and why empathy is an important part of mental health and well-being and connecting with others.

Sometimes the best way to help someone is to make them feel seen and heard. As Dr. Brené Brown so aptly puts it, “... the truth is, rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.” We all want to feel like others understand where we’re coming from.

#GetReal about how to help by visiting, or support mental health care at Grand River Hospital by visiting

1Unknown (2020). Empathy builds connection. University of Kentucky.