Did the holidays sneak up on you this year? Need a little extra help? Let us take gift wrapping off your plate. Until December 24th, get your gifts wrapped at Conestoga Mall in support of Grand River Hospital. Find our gift wrapping storefront near Entrance #2, directly across from the food court! All proceeds support Grand River Kids, and gifts are being wrapped by our wonderful team of volunteers.
Are your gifts all wrapped, and you just want to give back? You can do that too! Donations to the hospital can be made at the link below. All donations made to Grand River Kids between now and December 31, 2022 will be matched by a generous donor up to $250,000.
Are your gifts all wrapped, and you just want to give back? You can do that too! Donations to the hospital can be made at the link below. All donations made to Grand River Kids between now and December 31, 2022 will be matched by a generous donor up to $250,000.