Image of Virtual Fundraising 101 with Grand River Hospital Foundation

Virtual Fundraising 101 with Grand River Hospital Foundation

  • January 14, 2021
  • |
  • Mia Huber

During an extraordinary year, our community has come together and unified in a single cause. To care for the safety and health of one another during this pandemic. We are very grateful for all the support in so many ways that Grand River has received because of our community. Because in our community the Care. Never. Stops.

This year, more than ever, we are looking to our community of leaders to donate support, skills, and passion in joining our cause! 

Although we are unable to come together for in-person events and fundraisers, there are still incredible opportunities to connect virtually. What's better than engaging and creating FUN (and funds) with your co-workers, family, and friends? 

Now before we get to the ideas.....


  • Gather a Team, Set Some Goals (Virtually of Course).  Bring together your ideal team who want to help, collaborate, and innovate collective fundraising dreams
  • Get the Word Out. What's the biggest benefit to hosting a Virtual Fundraiser? Using all the tools and platforms at your disposal! Share on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn... any platform that connects you with your family, friends, and community.
  • HAVE FUN! That's why it's called fun-draising. Don't stress out. You are raising money for your local hospital. And that should put a smile on your face! 

      Just Giving 


      And for the main event...


      Open Mic Night/ Live Streamed Concert

      Board/ Activity Game Tournament 

      Walkathon/ Race 

      Paint Night

      Themed Trivia Night

      Workshop/ Webinar



      Happy Hour 

      Pajama Gala


      PS- Stay tuned for our annual Grand Grill event coming to you in Spring and Summer 2021. Host your own safe and virtual BBQ with your famliy, friends, and neighbours to raise funds for Grand River Hospital Foundation! Enjoy the great outdoors, yummy meals, and connecting with your loved ones through raising funds for our community's health care. 

      Any Questions? We're Here to Help:
      Mia Huber 
      Donor Innovation Manager
      Paul Amaral 
      Fulfillment Director & Donor Advocate