One of the Foundation's core purposes is to raise funds to support programs, services, and equipment at the Hospital. Many of the capital and program improvements that we fund happen over a number of years, whereas others are short-term. These ever-changing needs drive the changes in the annual grants paid out to the Hospital and the Commitments we make to fund programs in future years at the speed they are implemented in the hospital. This can be seen in the giving table below with grants and commitments reported annually in the audited financial statements.
Grand River Hospital Foundation
Our results through March 31, 2024 highlight the impact of our strong relationship with the Hospital and how the Foundation continues plays a critical role in ensuring Care Never Stops in our community.  As at March 31, 2024 almost 90% of our future commitments are centered in three care areas; Patient Experience, Cancer Care and Grand River Kids.

Audited Financial Statements