Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
  • Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
  • Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
  • Image of Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care

Join friends on Canada Day to raise funds for Cancer Care at Grand River Hospital by golfing together in your Red and White at Savannah Golf Links in Cambridge. Bid on silent auction items, and celebrate the support that Lisa and other loved ones have received.

Lisa's Story - 

In July 2023, Lisa, a vibrant 56 year old, came together with her friends to celebrate Canada Day, and to do what she loved to do most… playing golf. Five days later, Lisa lay in a coma, with a diagnosis of a rare form of leukemia with resulting brain bleed and several strokes. The doctor’s prognosis was not good. Lisa’s family and friends gathered around her, believing that they may have to say goodbye. Despite many setbacks, Lisa over several weeks showed us she was working to return to us. Lisa was started on chemotherapy, among other medical treatments and procedures, each carrying its own risks. The strokes affected her rights side, her speech, vision and mobility. Lisa required months to regain some of her basic life skills. She has
progressed dramatically and will continue to progress with time. It will take patience, courage, resilience and will power. Lisa is our MIRACLE.

Lisa received amazing care from The Hamilton General Hospital, Juravinski Cancer Centre ICU, Grand River Cancer division, and Freeport Hospital. She along with her family and friends would like to deeply thank all of the doctors, nurses and support staff who gave their time, skills and knowledge in treating Lisa in a caring and compassionate manner. We are raising funds by doing what Lisa has a passion for…golf. This will then be used to help fund the treatment of other cancer victims and together with Lisa’s story, give others who are battling cancer the one thing they seek most…HOPE.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill

Payment & Tax Receipts


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Once you have selected your donation amount and clicked donate, it will take you to a shopping cart experience. From there you can review your total and then click complete payment at the bottom of the screen before being taken to a secure payment information page.


Tax receipts are automatically sent once you have completed your payment information and checked out. If you do not see an email come through with your tax receipt, please check your junk or spam email folders. The email subject line is Grand River Hospital Foundation Donation Receipt.

If you still cannot find it, please contact us by phone at 519-749-4205 or for support. 

When donating, any information entered in the billing address fields on the payment screen will be used to generate an automatic tax receipt. If a company name is added here, the tax receipt will be issued to the company.

Grand River Hospital Foundation

Canada Day Golf 4 Cancer Care
