"We are thrilled to have AirBoss as our presenting partner again this year. Your support is instrumental in making this event a success, and we truly appreciate your commitment to our cause. We look forward to a fantastic tournament and creating lasting memories together on the course. Thank you once again for your partnership and generosity"

Paul McIntyre Royston, President & CEO

Presenting Partner

AirBoss of America is a leading and diversified developer, manufacturer, and provider of innovative survivability solutions, personal protective equipment (PPE), advanced custom rubber compounds, defense solutions, and finished rubber products that are designed to outperform in the most challenging environments.

Thank you Airboss!

Grand River Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce AirBoss of America as the Presenting Partner for a third year at the Short Grass Golf happening at Whistle Bear Golf Club June 11, 2024

Thank you to our Sponsors