Image of 50/50 Lottery Players Enable Care Close to Home

50/50 Lottery Players Enable Care Close to Home

  • January 30, 2023
  • |
  • Rebecca Lenio

Victoria M. was the lucky winner of January’s 50/50 lottery jackpot, taking home an astounding $18,225!

“I buy the tickets to help the hospital. I never bought them to win,” Victoria noted. “I wanted to help, but I don’t have a lot of money. But I can afford $50 a month, and then when you see what it buys, it’s amazing! That every little bit helps. And I want the services there for everybody I know when they need them.”

While Victoria's excitement over winning the grand prize was palpable, the impact of her support as a 50/50 player seemed to excite her just as much, if not more.

“I buy the tickets every month, and then I forget about them, y’know?" she continued. "And then I get something [sent] to me in the mail about, 'This is how much we raised; this is what we bought,' and I sit down and think, 'Wow! My little bit helped to do that? That’s amazing!’”

February’s 50/50 lottery supports Scotland’s Yard, a community-driven initiative to enhance local children’s cancer care. A big part of the Scotland’s Yard vision is making more children’s cancer care services available right here in Kitchener-Waterloo, so families are required to travel less to get their child the care they need—it’s a goal that strongly resonates with our latest 50/50 winner too.

“Everyone I know has had a family member that’s needed to be [at the hospital], whether it’s serious or it’s not serious,” Victoria explained when asked about why she believes people should play Grand River’s 50/50 lottery. “It’s nice when they say, ‘Oh thank god I could get it done here—I didn’t have to go Toronto; I didn’t have to go to Hamilton or London. I got it here.’ So, that’s the best reason. We’re all going to need [the hospital’s services].”

For your chance to help the hospital and win all four early bird prizes, and of course a chance to win the monthly jackpot, get your tickets by Thursday, February 2nd at 11:59 p.m.! Our first early bird prize is an Apple Watch Series 7, 41 mm Starlight Aluminium Case with Starlight Sports Band that retails for $645.

Buy your tickets now by visiting